Juliana Kwok

Brand Strategy & Creative Director  - Founder

Juliana is passionate about unearthing what really makes consumers hooked and how she can bring fresh perspectives and impactful solutions to consumers. She loves pretty things, in literally all aspects: in and out; and in to out. She has 20 years of branding & creative experience across both in-house international corporates and agencies and has multinational business cases across Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, France, UK, Canada, and many more. Founded Road Creation (Hong Kong branch) in 2000, she leads a team of creative thinkers and specializes in branding and marketing strategy. She is now expanding her footprints and great work in London with her team and is excited to create more sparks and help customers in wider regions to succeed.

She always believes that “design” is rather subjective, and marketing is not only about “making things nice”. As a very practical person, marketing is not for all and not for “yourselves”, as one cannot please all. She is always keen to locate the target group and utilise data and analysis to apply your strengths to make a marketing programme or project concrete and actionable, on top of that what she cares about is the narrative, the storytelling of every brand and the delivery of its tale.

Putting work aside, Juliana is a conversationalist. She can speak to you about her hobby of antique collection; share her views on art and culture; her best picks on food and dining; and of course fashion and beauty.

Lulu Razzaq

Public Relations & Events Director

Lulu Razzaq is a London-based PR and events guru with a passion for understanding the human brain and what makes people tick to creatively bring ideas to life on every sensory level. Lulu has a multinational exposure that allows her to approach any project with the international lens, hence she is strong at delivering localisation work. Lulu’s Event and PR work has been featured on all of the major London and National UK publications, radio and tv interviews, online reviews and formed various brand and influencer partnerships.

She received her bachelor’s degree in Hospitality & International Marketing Management in Vienna,Austria and completed the Hilton Elevator Management Programme in Kuwait and went on to work in operational positions in hotels, event agencies, bars and restaurants before moving over to a career in PR and Marketing. Deeply immersed in the food and beverage market, she eventually became the founding partner of the immersive food experience design studio Kitchen Theory. Through Kitchen Theory and in partnership with Oxford University’s cross-modal department she studied human sensory perceptions and how to make products and experiences appealing by engaging all of the senses.

With her personable character and excellent social skills, she came up with the idea to create a Community Hub around where she lives and gives back to her neighbourhood. She strongly believes every conversation enables one with new inspirations and she took the opportunity to create a platform that brings all connections into a community. Leverage your network at your proximity at your same time create new sparks of collaborations and establish a stronger neighbour during the unprecedented times.

Terry Wong

People Director

Terry has long been engaged in working with people. He has deep experience in the social welfare sector and Whole Person Education for children and youth. He was twice invited to serve on a committee of the Hong Kong Association of Youth Development (Eastern District). Currently he focuses on building strategies on human resources management and development for enterprises.

Terry has developed his own theories over the years and he truly believes the people connect the business- where every single person of the business is also part of the brand. All employees, management and employers all play a crucial role in a holistic growth of an enterprise. Terry delivers clear and comprehensive people solutions through constant tailor-made training, evaluation, and reflection and strengthens the communications within your company.

Human Resource Development always requires patience. It used to be all about finding the right person for a job, yet nowadays it’s about finding the right person that will do the job, and want to stay and grow with your company. It is no longer about cold processes and mundane systems; humanized design and appropriate management plans would effectively accelerate your business. We look forward to sharing your joy of success by accompanying you in your journey of unwiring your challenges and transforming your human resources strategies.

Outside of work, Terry is passionate about coffee, and has huge knowledge in brewing a fabulous cup of coffee, having worked in the social worker field makes him a good listener as well. Terry is always welcome to serve a nice cup of coffee and chat over how he could enhance your company’s service quality, review operation flow, and improve in people training.

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